October 9, 2023

How To Build a Solid AI Foundation With Automated Data Labeling

Automated data labeling represents a significant milestone in the world of data annotation. Embracing it is imperative for the success of your AI product. By leveraging AI and ML, you transcend the limitations of traditional methods and unlock the true potential of your business data. The benefits are just endless.

How To Build a Solid AI Foundation With Automated Data Labeling

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Vitae quis ut  luctus lobortis urna adipiscing bibendum

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Data plays a critical role in the success of companies across all industries. From finance to healthcare, businesses heavily rely on data to drive informed decision-making and gain a competitive edge.  

However, the true value of data lies not in its sheer quantity but in its quality. That's where automated data labeling comes into play.

Together, we will delve into the significance of data labeling, explore how traditional labeling works and what are its limits, and unveil the paradigm shift that automated data labeling brings to the table.

The Significance of Data Labeling

Data labeling is the process of attaching relevant and meaningful labels to raw data, making it structured, understandable, and usable for Machine Learning (ML) algorithms.

By labeling data, you provide an essential context that allows machines to recognize patterns, make predictions, and automate processes. For instance, by labeling text with sentiment, entities, or intent, Natural Language Processing (NLP) models can power applications like chatbots, language translation, and sentiment analysis, enhancing user experiences and enabling efficient communication across languages.

Data labeling is a critical and vital step in the ML pipeline. ML models rely on a steady flow of high-quality data to function effectively. Feeding them "dirty" or poorly labeled data will yield fast but undesirable output. Accurate data labeling is the linchpin that makes AI valuable to your business.

From finance to healthcare and autonomous vehicles, accurate data labeling has a profound impact. Any inaccurate labeling would result in serious consequences for the safety and reliability of this technology.

Another important aspect is that data labeling isn't a one-time process; it's a continuous journey. As new data is generated, it needs to be continuously labeled and updated to maintain the accuracy and relevance of ML models.

Traditional Manual Data Labeling

Traditionally, data labeling has always been a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. Human annotators need to manually tag and categorize each data point, leaving room for subjectivity and human error. This conventional approach often results in delays, inconsistencies, and limited scalability.

Most training data today is manually labeled, whether through in-house efforts or outsourced services. Nevertheless, manual labeling comes with a long list of limits:

  • It’s a sluggish process. Even with an abundance of labor and financial resources, it takes months or even years to deliver quality training data. This becomes even more tedious with large datasets.
  • It’s very expensive. Annotation consumes a substantial part of the AI development budget and often scales inefficiently. It's inherently costly and is prone to errors.
  • Reliance on human annotators. It increases the risk of errors due to varying interpretations of labeling guidelines, which leads to more inconsistencies.
  • Need for subject matter expertise. Complex datasets require subject matter expertise, such as doctors or legal analysts, which is often expensive and scarce.
  • Continuous change. As data sources, systems, and goals keep changing, there is always a need to relabel data from scratch which renders the existing training data obsolete.
  • Limited scalability. Scaling manual annotation to match the increasing data volume is challenging, even with additional annotators. It’s just unsustainable.
  • Difficult to audit. Governance and auditing of data labeling are essential but it's a daunting task, especially when outsourcing it to third-party annotators.

Data Labeling Challenges

Despite its utmost importance, data labeling comes with several hurdles that hinder the development of a scalable data labeling process. Let’s explore some of the main challenges:

1. Data Quality

Data quality is vital. Mislabeling will severely impact the credibility of your decisions and harm your business integrity. Poor quality input can only result in poor quality results no matter how sophisticated the language model used.

2. Data Volume

Data is now so vast that it surpasses human capacity. Training ML models requires extensive data, often ten times more than you'd need. This colossal volume leads to ongoing data discoveries and necessitates constant dataset revisions, demanding a blend of automation and human oversight.

3. Data Accuracy

ML models, while efficient, can't navigate every data nuance or discrepancy. Source and target data diverge over time. Ensuring data accuracy requires human intervention to keep ML models on the right path.

Automated Data Labeling: A Paradigm Shift

Automated data labeling, also known as intelligent data labeling, represents a paradigm shift in the world of data annotation. It combines the power of AI and ML algorithms to automate and optimize the data labeling process.

ML algorithms train on a subset of labeled data, progressively improving their performance over time. As a result, the more data the system processes, the smarter it becomes at labeling new and unseen data.

Benefits of Automated Data Labeling

Automated data labeling offers countless benefits compared to manual labeling:

1. Cost Reduction

By automating the labeling process, there is no need for a large team of human annotators, saving on substantial labor costs.

2. Time-Saving

Through automated data labeling, you reduce the manual effort involved in data annotation. This approach enables swift processing of substantial data volumes, allowing you to label datasets in a fraction of the time it would take in traditional annotation. This also leads to faster time-to-market for products and services, providing a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business environment.

3. Market Intelligence

The ability of intelligent systems to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds enables you to derive actionable insights and make data-driven decisions in real-time. This empowers your business to stay ahead of the competition, adapt to market dynamics, and identify emerging trends well in advance.

4. Increased Efficiency & Productivity

Automated data labeling eliminates the subjectivity and human error associated with manual annotation. It provides consistency in the labeled data and leads to more reliable and accurate results.

Companies also get to streamline their data processing workflows and significantly increase productivity. With automated labeling, you turn the subject matter expert’s (SME) knowledge into training data and allow employees to focus on more complex and strategic activities.

5. High Accuracy

While human annotators may introduce biases or inconsistencies in the labeling process, automated data labeling follows predefined rules and patterns to ensure consistent and objective labeling. This speeds up the overall process without compromising on accuracy which is crucial for applications where precision is vital (autonomous vehicles, medical diagnosis, etc.)

6. High Quality

Automated data labeling guarantees consistency and standardization in labeling practices which minimizes the risk of human errors and biases. Data is labeled consistently and accurately, reducing the chances of misinterpretation and ensuring high-quality labeled datasets.

7. Enhanced Scalability

With automated data labeling, the scalability is unparalleled. ML algorithms handle vast amounts of data without compromising accuracy or speed even if the volume of data continues to grow exponentially.

8. Continuous Improvement

Automated data labeling enables continuous learning and improvement. As the ML algorithms process more data and encounter new examples, they adapt and refine their labeling techniques. This iterative learning process allows the system to continuously improve its performance, leading to higher efficiency over time.

Techniques of Automated Data Labeling

There are two main types of data labeling depending on the nature of the data: Computer vision for visual data (like images and videos) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for textual data (like reports and articles). In this article, we’ll focus on the NLP techniques.

1. Topic Modelling

This technique relies on leveraging semantic structures, i.e. the underlying meaning and structure of the text itself, to label unstructured (unlabeled) data. It is used to get comprehensive labeling and comes in two types:

  a. Bottom-up Modeling

In this type, you start with the textual data you have and then discover the topics.'s illustration of bottom-up modeling
Author's Illustration of bottom-up modeling. All rights reserved.

    b. Top-down Modeling

In this type, you start with the pre-defined topics and then use semantic search to find relevant passages in textual data that discuss one or more topics. It looks for the meanings entailed in the keywords, not the keywords themselves. This is the core technology powering the Google Search Engine.'s illustration of top-down modeling
Author's illustration of top-down modeling. All rights reserved.

2. Accurate or AI-Assisted Labeling

AI-assisted Labeling is often used for correction and to ensure labeling accuracy. It involves using a current model to suggest initial labels for data points, which human experts then manually approve or reject.'s illustration of AI-assisted labeling
Author's illustration of AI-assisted labeling. All rights reserved.

This technique helps the SME find inconsistencies and continuously improve the output accuracy.

3. Active Learning

This data labeling technique is one of the most time and cost-effective techniques you can use. It’s a collaborative process between SMEs and machines for data labeling.'s illustration of active learning
Author's illustration of active learning. All rights reserved.

In active learning, the SME labels a portion of the data to kickstart machine learning. If the machine reaches an acceptable level of accuracy, it autonomously labels the remaining unlabeled data. Otherwise, it further refines its algorithm using additional labels provided by the SME.

Instead of labeling data randomly:

  1. The SME labels enough examples for AI to start learning
  2. The AI learns and predicts labels for the remaining unlabeled data
  3. The most challenging examples are sent to the SME for labeling
  4. Repeat the process

4. The Teacher-Student or Knowledge Distillation Approach

This technique is another economic approach. It consists of transferring knowledge from a large model (Teacher) to a small model (Student). In other words, instead of training one AI model as the final product, you use it to teach a Student AI, then use the Student AI as the final product.'s illustration of the teacher-student approach
Author's illustration of the teacher-student approach. All rights reserved.

This method was introduced by Google Brain and Carnegie Mellon University in 2020. It uses the model to predict the labels on large unlabeled data and then trains a Student model on the combined labeled data. As a result, the Student AI becomes more accurate than its teacher because it learns from a larger labeled dataset.

5. Panel of Teachers

If using one model as a teacher will yield good results, the question that arises is how better they will be if we engage more models and create a panel of Teacher AI instead of just one.'s illustration of panel of teachers approach
Author's illustration of panel of teachers approach. All rights reserved.

Using the same approach, you use a pool of language models as the panel of Teacher AI to label the unstructured data and then use only their agreements to teach the Student AI.

The Student AI is now fueled by the knowledge of both the panel and the SME. As a result, you get a more robust and accurate Student AI model.

When to Use Automated Labeling

Automated data labeling is ideal in the following scenarios:

  • When a substantial amount of training data is necessary for optimal results, especially for deep learning models.
  • When time is of the essence, and you need to label data quickly
  • When the subject matter expertise is expensive, scarce, and hard to outsource
  • When the project or product will go through frequent changes and will need constant relabeling
  • When privacy regulations and concerns prohibit sharing data externally

Final Thoughts

Automated data labeling represents a significant milestone in the world of data annotation. Embracing it is imperative for the success of your AI product. By leveraging AI and ML, you transcend the limitations of traditional methods and unlock the true potential of your business data. The benefits are just endless. Read more in this case study.

Given its critical importance, high-quality data labeling must be your utmost priority. It determines the success or failure of your AI project; up to 80% of AI projects fail. This high failure rate is largely due to poor data labeling.

Do not waste your time or resources on traditional labeling and schedule now your appointment with our team for fast and cost-effective automated data labeling services.