November 15, 2023

How to Use LLMs to Solve Your Business Problems

Today, embracing AI is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. LLMs offer a wide range of applications that you can start experimenting with before investing in more AI-core products for your business.

How to Use LLMs to Solve Your Business Problems

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Multilingual NLP will grow

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Vitae quis ut  luctus lobortis urna adipiscing bibendum

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Technology has rapidly evolved in recent years, bringing us exciting advancements that have proven to be game-changers in various industries.

A particular innovation that has gained considerable attention in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is Large Language Models (LLMs). While LLMs might sound like complex jargon, they hold significant global potential for businesses.

Understanding LLMs

1. What is a Language Model?

A language model is a machine learning model that aims to predict and generate plausible language. These models estimate the probability of a token or sequence of tokens occurring within a longer sequence of tokens.

As models continue to expand in size, their complexity and effectiveness also increase. In the early stages, language models focused on predicting individual words, but contemporary LLMs can now predict the likelihood of entire sentences, paragraphs, or documents.

2. What are LLMs?

LLMs, or Large Language Models, are machine learning models designed to process natural language and understand its context. They are “large” because of the number of parameters or weights in the model. For example, GPT-4 is rumored to have more than 1 trillion parameters compared to GPT-1 which had only around 120 million.

LLMs are powerful algorithms trained on vast amounts of text data including books, articles, websites, social media posts, reports, etc. This extensive training allows them to learn patterns, analyze language semantics, and generate human-like text responses. This capability opened up a wide range of applications in business.

definition of large language models LLMs
Author's illustration. All rights reserved.

3. LLMs’ Value in Business

LLMs, like ChatGPT, offer businesses unparalleled value by revolutionizing how they interact with and leverage textual data.

These models excel at generating human-like text and analyzing data which significantly improves decision-making processes, automates repetitive tasks, increases productivity, and fosters stronger connections with customers.

LLMs have proven their worth and offer businesses new avenues for growth and innovation. These are some of the tasks or applications LLMs can do.

applications of large language models LLMs
Author's illustration. All rights reserved.

Each of these applications is capable of transforming businesses in all industries (banking, financial services, healthcare, customer service, marketing, legal, etc.), streamlining operations, empowering decision-makers, and ultimately enhancing profitability. Read more details about each application here.

Business Problems LLMs Can Solve

The applications of LLMs in business are countless. They offer solutions to a myriad of problems companies face. As a business, consider the following areas:

1. Customer Service

One pressing issue is the overwhelming volume of customer inquiries that companies receive. By building conversational AI capabilities, your company will handle a higher volume of customer queries with greater efficiency, and respond to them in a natural and empathetic manner. As a result, you ensure faster response time and a seamless customer experience.

By employing LLMs, you can build a customer service chatbot trained to analyze customer messages, understand their intent, and provide personalized and helpful responses. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also frees up your employees to focus on more complex tasks.

2. Data Extraction, Structuring, and Management

Many companies struggle with extracting relevant information from documents, particularly in PDF format. LLMs automate this process, ensuring swift and highly accurate data extraction.

Efficient and accurate data extraction is impactful, but the real value lies in proper organization. LLMs play a vital role in managing extensive datasets with unstructured information. They can categorize and organize data however you need which enables more efficient data management.

Information overload often impedes decision-makers from deriving meaningful insights within all the datasets available to them. When the data is properly extracted and structured, you may use LLMs to sift through this data and pinpoint trends, sentiments, and crucial information.

3. Document Production

Producing contracts, agreements, and reports is a repetitive time-consuming task. Companies use existing templates as a basis and then make the necessary edits to match their client's requirements. This process is usually manual and limited to the resources the company has.

By training LLMs on the documents your company often needs to produce, you get to automate the document production process with a high degree of customization and get accurate results instantly.

4. Reports Summarization

Gone are the days when you had to read hundreds of pages of reports, financial statements, publications, or research articles. Utilize LLMs to summarize these reports and get key insights without exhaustive reading.

Depending on the information you need, you get to train the LLMs to summarize specific documents in the format and structure your business needs.

5. Content Creation and Review

Creating valuable and relevant content is key to boosting brand awareness. Since not all companies have the capacity to hire in-house content creators, LLMs assist you in creating, reviewing, editing, proofreading, and improving your content be it promotional, technical, or academic.

By analyzing large amounts of the content you previously created, LLMs identify the patterns of nuances, the brand voice used in the content, and the interests of your target audiences. As a result, you’ll be able to further tailor your marketing campaigns, create compelling content, and engage customers more effectively.

6. Market Sentiment

Whether you are in financial markets, e-commerce, retail, marketing, research, or media, analyzing the sentiment of your target audiences cannot be overstated.

LLMs excel in sentiment analysis which involves determining the emotional tone conveyed in a piece of text (news articles, product reviews, social media posts and comments, forums, etc.). LLMs identify if the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral by processing and interpreting big textual data.

This deep understanding of sentiment is invaluable for strategic decision-making, reputation management, and staying agile in response to market dynamics.

business problems LLMs can solve
Author's illustration. All rights reserved.

7. Fraud Detection

LLMs have the ability to identify linguistic anomalies to spot irregular patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior and analyze vast amounts of information, including transaction descriptions, customer communications, and other unstructured data sources in real-time.

Unlike traditional rule-based systems, LLMs offer a more dynamic and context-aware approach to fraud detection, namely for financial institutions. They adapt to evolving patterns and can interpret user intent through analyzing communication patterns.

8. Talent Recruitment

LLMs have the power to significantly enhance HR recruitment processes by streamlining and optimizing various aspects of the hiring journey.

You may use these models to efficiently extract data from resumes, automate candidates’ screening, craft compelling job descriptions, match candidates’ skills with job requirements, manage insights from HR documents, assess candidates’ interviews, and facilitate the onboarding process.

9. Market Analysis

Let’s say you are preparing to launch a new product. By utilizing LLMs, you can analyze customer reviews, blog posts, and forum discussions related to similar products in the market.

The LLMs will identify the features that customers appreciate the most, the pain points they experience, and the language they use to describe their needs. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to develop a product that aligns with customer expectations and create marketing materials that resonate with your target audience.

10. Multilingual Communication

One of the top applications of LLMs is translation. For companies operating in global markets or dealing with international stakeholders, LLMs can be extremely powerful. They ensure that communication remains not only linguistically precise but also contextually relevant across various languages.

LLMs assist in localizing content and understanding cultural nuances tailoring communication to the preferences of diverse audiences. They facilitate real-time interpretation of spoken language, breaking down language barriers and enhancing collaboration in teams with different linguistic backgrounds.

11. Background Checks and Identity Verification

When it comes to background checks and identity verification, extracting relevant information and understanding documents written in different languages quickly and accurately is crucial. LLMs ensure accuracy and consistency across diverse linguistic contexts for biometric and document matching.

LLMs extend their capabilities to scrutinize social media content in multiple languages, providing insights into online behavioral activities and potential red flags. They can also identify anomalies and irregularities in background information when dealing with multilingual data for more effective risk assessment.

12. Risk Mitigation and Regulatory Compliance

LLMs are able to process extensive amounts of textual data which makes it valuable for companies to automate compliance checks, identify non-compliance patterns, monitor regulatory changes in real time, detect potential breaches, flag sensitive information, review legal documents, and analyze internal communications for potential compliance breaches or unethical behaviors.

LLMs are instrumental in risk mitigation strategies thanks to their sophisticated capabilities to identify potential threats, ensure regulatory adherence, and streamline compliance processes across various business operations.

Challenges of Using LLMs in Business

While LLMs offer significant advantages, it's important to acknowledge the challenges and limitations they present.

  • Biased outputs: LLMs may inherit biases present in their training data, leading to potential fairness issues in the decision-making process.
  • Resource intensiveness: LLMs demand significant computational resources and regular training and upskilling for your employees. Implementing LLMs at scale is resource-intensive and not affordable to all businesses.
  • Skilled talent: the complexity of LLMs necessitates the need for skilled professionals who can develop, deploy, and maintain these models.
  • Rapid obsolescence: the constant evolution of LLM technology means you must continuously maintain your model and update your practices to maximize effectiveness.
  • Hallucinations: LLMs may generate contextually plausible but incorrect information hence the importance of the skilled talent and careful validation of LLM outputs.
  • Transparency and Interpretability: While LLMs can produce highly accurate predictions, they often operate as black-box models, making it challenging to interpret and explain model outputs to stakeholders.  
  • High Costs: LLMs incur ongoing operational expenses for deployment and maintenance which can easily reach exorbitant costs and impact the cost-effectiveness of their use.
  • Governance & Data Privacy: business data is more often sensitive and robust LLMs like ChatGPT may use it to train their models.
challenges of using large language models LLMs in business
Author's illustration. All rights reserved.

Off-The-Shelf vs Customized LLMs

Since the rollout of ChatGPT back in November 2022, there has been an influx of AI applications for business usage. Most of them (if not all) are one-size-fits-all products and operate through APIs from OpenAI and other LLM providers.

Some companies opt to use off-the-shelf LLMs to perform some tasks. The downside of this approach is that the output you will get is generic and sometimes inaccurate. The reason is that these LLMs, also called foundation models, were trained on generalized public datasets and not on your own data. Hence, if you are looking to solve specific problems, a one-size-fits-all solution will often fall short in quality and accuracy.

Off-the-shelf LLMs are generalist models, designed for general usage, and often struggle with achieving high accuracy on specialized tasks. Not to mention the high costs and their usage of your data to train their models.

In industries like finance, banking, healthcare, and legal, data privacy and accuracy of output cannot be compromised as the stakes are very high.

On the other hand, if you choose to customize and fine-tune an LLM you will need to retrain it specifically on your own data so that it learns from it and can deliver more accurate and specialized responses.

comparison between commercial and customized LLMs
Author's illustration. All rights reserved.

Here comes our role at iSemantics where we help you deploy the right LLM for your business while taking into account all of the challenges. We offer you either a fine-tuned LLM trained on your data or a distilled model that uses the knowledge of LLMs to teach and build a smaller model specialized in your industry. Schedule a meeting with our team then decide which approach is more appropriate to your current needs.

Final thoughts

Today, embracing AI is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. LLMs offer a wide range of applications that you can start experimenting with before investing in more AI-core products for your business.

As LLM technology continues to evolve and mature, you ought to be among the first to explore the potential of LLMs and leverage these powerful tools to solve your business problems, drive efficiency, and unlock new opportunities.

Only businesses that embrace these advancements will undoubtedly enjoy a competitive edge, and thrive in a world where AI-driven solutions are becoming increasingly essential.